Monday, May 10, 2010

Nick, the Sicilian Druid - 2 Kids & a Dog

Do you want to laugh?

I had other plans but they're grim compared to 2 Kids and a Dog's latest episode. Watch as Nick & his father-in-law have a misunderstanding (perhaps abetted (?) by Alexia) about, let's call it provenance. I've not asked Alexia yet if I can embed the video, so please do click. They are a funny, funny family. On further thought, this is more on the fly than usual, start with May's first web episode (all very short), so you can follow this hybrid Highlander-Sicilian-Roman family in their quest to honor Alexia's heritage. (Her father wrote a book about his family history from Scotland to Virginia. Alexia grew up near where I live now.)

Now I have to go get ready for a Frenchie & fils visit.

Update early evening: Farewell, Lena.

[I've no time to be clever about photographs. It's Fred Astaire's birthday & for possible post on Funny Face I had this in a folder. Therefore, via Fred & Audrey feeling silly.]


AB said...

Hilarious...thanks. I subscribed to them.

Giulia said...

They are very funny & warm, too. ciao A.