Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Le Regard Bleu/The Blue Look

Une Histoire de Bleu / From A Story of Blue by Jean-Michel Maulpoix [From Poetry, October 2000]

Nous connaissons par ouï-dire l'existence de l'amour.

Assis sur un rocher ou sous un parasol rouge, allongés dans le pré bourdonnant d'insectes, les deux mains sous la nuque, agenouillés dans la fraîcheur et l'obscurité d'une église, ou tassés sur une chaise de paille entre les quatre murs de la chambre/

We know through hearsay that love exists.

Seated on a rock or under a red parasol, lying in the field buzzing with insects, our hands clasped behind our necks, kneeling in the cool darkness of a church, or settled on a straw chair within the four walls of the bedroom/

Four walls of bedrooms (chambres) via Marie Claire Maison. Yes, still looking at these (& rewriting). I loved this prose poem in the October 2000 Poetry & still do. It fell off the shelf today & so it's come to this: books or journals that fall on my feet (or head) due to lack of housekeeping (or space), that's a post. That's what happens with writing, as well. It's not as dumb as it sounds or seems. (She said to herself.)


Julie@beingRUBY said...

Oh Fabulous.. love these ,.. love the first and love the last .. and don't mind the gauzy gorgeousness in the 3rd either.. so what does that leave me?? not fussed on the 2nd.. haha... Love your inspiration... and really that blue portrait is fabulous.. strange little man but gorgeous tones!!

Have a great day.. xxx Julie

Giulia said...

My inspiration...oh you are a good friend, Julie. I'm taking juxtaposition, writing prompts, bricoler, etc. way beyond the fringe. If only it were funnier. But I do appreciate the strokes. xx