Friday, May 8, 2009

Week's End - Grace in Black & White

Just trying to get by, that's what. Doing the best I can. That's my response to the mean poet & financial success-through-you-don't-want-to-know-how writer about town. Yeah, I could've gone that route, too, & quite publicly did not. Posting in her blog & sending it to me (!) that this is pathetic, derivative, & so forth My posting images of "dumb stuff." Why is she looking in then? That's the first & last mention. What a way to end the week. (via scan from Hollywood Cats, see here for credits)


The Clever Pup said...

Whaaat? Write me.

Giulia said...

I will. Must go get antibiotics. I've played with fire not standing on the line for an hour yesterday after dragging back from 5 hours in that chair. But a man was harrassing me about Darfur & hippies & stuff. It was so weird. Usually, I just ignore these probably can imagine how much goading I've had to take (& be polite, if with a steely gaze)sitting at Amnesty tables, & so on. But man, I am not in the mood. And I feel like I'm becoming one of those people who are knee-jerk taking offense, myself. Jeez.

Person took down post but I will write you when return but damage/hurt feelings (mine) duly incurred, so you know. She got what she wanted. You know I feel bad if I cancelled free bangs trim...

corine said...

Stop hanging with those people whoever they are, and hang with us instead.

Giulia said...

Agree Corine...but in town, here...that's not easy. But yes...I tried to leave comment on HIF last night but computer was taking so long & I had to run. If you see this, I'll be over today to say hi.
