Sunday, October 31, 2010

Guardian Gourds

Happy Hallowe'en, Samhain, Nos Calan Gaeaf

A Hallowe'en photograph of me-as-Twiggy via scan of a crinkled snap has failed to amuse or please. Worse, I look entirely annoyed in the picture & have no idea why. So sorry, B, one of my sisters who sent it with a sweet note ("I thought you looked so beautiful..."). Maybe we can find it on a slide for next year. Fairy-lighted pumpkins against a dark blue sky will have to do for now. Lots & lots of spooky & scary Hallowe'en posts all over the wah-wah-web. (photograph via Martha Stewart)

PS: Happy birthday to John Keats


simon said...

I don't like being photographed at all, and do all i can to avoid it. ...anyhow its back to bed with the flu (sniff, splutter)..

Giulia said...

Oh Simon, I am sorry about the flu. I'll be over to virtually visit tomorrow (Sun. eve.)

Julie@beingRUBY said...

Hi Susan
Yes I'm the same as Simon.. avoid photos and not much for the childhood snaps either..

Have a Happy Halloween.. ciao xxx Julie

Giulia said...

Thanks, Julie. I did have fun.

I don't mind the snaps...I would've gone for the cross looking one & made some fun of it (plus my sister looks quite the pistol in it) was the actual quality of the paper.

Lots of things did not go well back then but photography was quite good in my family. I'm related to a lot of photogenic people.