It relieves people of all that blathering below. Now, I must go make dinner. Fresh produce waits for no one. (Especially when purchased last week. Eek. This is where French cooking knowledge comes in handy. Thanks, Julia!) Natalie Portman in Black Swan via mariakochetkova (dot) com. A landing in the Ill River by somebody3121 on deviantArt. (seriously, 'somebody')
I saw the preview for that movie the other day... I'm not sure I'll go and see it... For one thing, it really REALLY shows that Portman (whom I usually adore) is not an actual ballerina. I just cringe when I see that top picture....... Aaaaargh....
Did you know that Black swans are only found in Australia? and I have often wondered why swanlake is not performed in black here
Mary-Laure--Oh dear. I think I sent an email asking/wondering why they couldn't have made this with a real ballerina a la The Turning Point. I suppose because they don't have a Baryshnikov to play opposite an unknown. I know what you mean, though.
Simon--I did not know that. I really must read more about Australia. I thought I knew some things, however reading novels by Australians...swans haven't come up yet:)
Thanks, guys. I'm off to Mary Had Little Lamb. A few people have emailed me with "euwww" about the Portman picture. Too freaky or something.
This movie looks very creepy in the trailer. Of course I'll watch it!
A big laugh out loud, Catherine. Spelled out & everything!
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