If you've been thinking about Twitter, please give it a try. If nothing else, it is one more skill/tool to learn. I really love seeing updates in real time around the world. I know it seems nuts if you've not tried it, but I find it comforting to be connected around the world & in my back yard. It can bring you material goods, as well. I recently won the whole line of L'Occitane's wonderful new angelica facial products. More on that (& Twitter) at a later date.
I hate not being able to log on the last three nights & ask "Did anyone hear jets scrambling? and sirens? Was that on the news, in the paper? If so, I didn't see it. Anyone?"
Anyone gets back to you in less than 30 seconds. I like it.
à demain...(ooh..there's an almost-handsome man having a video chat in French not 6 feet from me...hmmm again...*fluffs hair*)
PS: The Eiffel Tower site is really fun & in many languages. There are great ideas for children, games, etc. That third photograph is from an interactive design on the site. I made it for Julie the Cat on a GG post. Pass it on.
(photographs via Eiffel Tower & Martin Soler)
whats an "almost handsome" man look like?? I mean do they have "bits" that are handsome and other bits that are less handsome, and other bits that are ugly? eg a 6 pack but a head like dropped pie? or a nice face but a gut like a lump of dropped bread dough, or HUGE feeet or tiny nose.. lol!!!! :o)
I sent you an email, Simon. I shall work on a definition.
Congratulations on your win! I tried Twitter a while back (2 years ago) and couldn't stand it.
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