Friday, January 1, 2010

Ready or Not

Pack lightly we move so fast --It's a Young Country from World Hotel

The year, the decade begins without a header, a coherent design, etc., as I promised myself last year. Couldn't find the photographs I wanted (what else is new?) for a most amusing -- OK, to me it would be amusing -- post. But I liked this photograph from worldislandphoto's flickr stream (unattributed photographer) a few days ago. Thanks so much to everyone who has left comments &/or emailed the last year & a half (some for GG's blog). I can't take comments on GG but some of you have discovered that you can comment on the Facebook link there. I actually didn't realize that I'd successfully linked it until fairly recently. Yes, I blundered into it. This is perhaps an example of "happy accidents" to which The Clever Pup refers.

Happy New Year to all.


Julie@beingRUBY said...

Here's to Happy Accidents!! x Julie

PIGNOUF said...

Happy new year Giulia...:)

lettuce said...

happy new year - yes, its here whether we are ready or not.

ceecee said...

Loved your comment. I'm a big fan of the way your mind works.

Cold here too...surprisingly. Will leave the decorations up until the always.

Hope 2010 is a good one.

I just got a Holga and a Diana. If I recall correctly, don't you have a Holga? I haven't loaded them up yet. Should be lots of fun.


Mary-Laure said...

Wishing you a year filled with happy accidents and happy incidents - both to you and to darling Giulia! You have been a wonderful discovery for me last year.

The Clever Pup said...

Hallo Giulia,

Pour quoi est il tres froid in votre appartment? Votre propriétaire est un imbécile?

What I want to know is there a way to have one's blog posts automatically show up on Facebook?

Here's to more happy accidents!