I've started to pay attention to my Pinterest boards, after a year or so. Nothing like the fear of spending money to get that going. (I just deleted about two grafs of semi-rant re: many images people pin over there. It's their thing, I'll let it go. Until comments here, if any.) If you'd like, you can request an invite on the site. It's not as exclusive as many designers/bloggers/etc would have you believe.
PS: Thank you to everyone who sent me birthday greetings in late September!
(Paris photograph by Darien Chin)
moon swoony gnashing of teeth???!!!! sounds like you have become a female werewolf! eekk!! Julie had better hide...
Julie is hiding in her little house. She's not really afraid tho'...she knows that I am pretty harmless. To everyone but myself, that is.
Oh dear. The only cure for this is France, you know. Hmmm? Why can't you plan very far out in front like you said you used to. ?
hope everything will turn out okay:-) a belated birthday greeting - I did not know.
Belated birthday greetings..... Libra?
Moony-swoonie to gnashy sounds pretty bumpy to me. Katharine may be right about planning that trip to France.
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