Monday, December 31, 2012

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

I still have not decided what to do about this space. But I could not allow the year to end without a heartfelt thank you to every one of you, whether you've commented (in the past, I still have those closed) or sent an email or a tweet - or not. I really do appreciate you. On to 2013. I won't close the blog without saying something first. xoxo 

PS: There are some good links on Giulia Geranium's front page for charitable giving & recipes & poems. If you are so inclined. Thanks.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Knit & Purl

Because I love this photograph & because it would offend my OCD-like sensibilities if I allowed November to end without one post, here's a link to a 'learn to knit' post on Giulia Geranium. If I can do it, anyone with most of their fingers can - seriously. Back next week. xo

PS: Some good tips for holiday decorating/simple prep. If I do say so myself.:) And Sweet Paul's Winter issue is live, here.

(Vanessa Redgrave & Natasha Richardson, Rome 1968 via MSNBC)

Friday, October 26, 2012

Between Times

I apologize for the lack of communication here & elsewhere. I have become disenchanted (of late) with cryptic messages, wordplay & related subjects; this is not so good for a writer, especially for a poet (on several deadlines yet). In "real life" however, certain literary techniques can be maddening & even heartbreaking. I'm definitely not being coy; there's no earthshaking news to relay here. Not now. 

Between times that I am here or with you on Twitter or Facebook or Gchat or Skype, know that I carry your heart with me. Always. (It also seems that I have become a saccharine, lachrymose mess. I want to delete the above & say "look, shiny object!" but I won't. For once.) I regret that I cannot take comments these last months; I will think on doing so again in the new year - if I continue.

Lately, I have been: this over & over & over...

... campaigning. Which is really difficult for a shy person but I feel strongly, desperately even. 

... braiding my hair again.

...thinking so much of France, especially Strasbourg. I want to run away.

...thinking of many people but especially today I am thinking of Emily,  her father's shocking sudden death this summer & a promise kept - a trip to Venice. Read on.

(Between Times by Melanie Rodriguez; her entire portfolio, here)

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


I have them (butterflies) & then I saw these lovely photographs by Emmanuelle Brisson (via My Modern Met). Make of that what you will. I hadn't intended to post so soon, especially as I'm undecided about the direction I should take. Perhaps I should just finish the year out with monthly postings & decide in January. I've received some emails & messages that comments are turned off & so how should anyone contact me. Um, like that:) I'll return those messages by week's end. Sorry for the delay. It's me, not you.


(photograph by Emmanuelle Brisson)

Friday, August 31, 2012

Blue Moon

Have a wonderful long weekend if you're in the States and Canada. Wherever you are, enjoy the Blue Moon this evening. See this site for beautiful photographs, illustrations, & the best writing for astronomy lovers (who may not know all that much - I don't.) Here are more night sky posts on Giulia Geranium.

I'll be back soon. Somehow. Comments still turned off but feel free to pop in to Twitter (join!) or Pinterest.


(photograph by Beata Rydén)

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Summer Ballet

Hello all. A reminder that the summer Ballet in Cinema series has three ballets left: The Sleeping Beauty, La Bayadère, & La Source. I think this is only in North America. So many of you are elsewhere so please let me know if you have anything comparable. I'll keep looking.

Also in ballet-land: I've recommended Ballet Beautiful streaming videos before & here's an enticement: 15% off for July. Enter BBJULY in the code box as you check out. I recommend Swan Arms to begin. (Also the, um, butt series:)

Hope you're neither too hot nor too cold (nor too wet). This is a summer of extremes around the world. Climate change much? (Fie upon the deniers.)


(photograph/crop detail by Prabuddha Dasgupta; tulle underskirt by Vivienne Westwood. How I wish I were standing on a boulder at the crashing sea.)

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Happy Midsummer!

It's already June 20. Gulp. I still haven't decided what to do with this space. So here's a photograph & a link to a Swedish midsummer cake & how to make a flower crown. And let's not forget the heavens.

I say it & you don't believe me but you should: I miss you. (Comments are still turned off; it's just too difficult for me--presently--to moderate them. See here for ways to contact me


PS: Remember my advice about flower crowns & Thanksgiving. Apply this to any gathering where your presence is required. (Though taking a walk on a day like this one -- 100F degrees - is not advised. Go to the movies.)

(photograph by Amy Merrick via Lawrence)

Thursday, May 24, 2012


I know, I know. I don't write.* I don't call. I will. Meanwhile, I know everyone will enjoy this fairly new blog, Manger. Lovely photographs/recipes/more by Mimi Thorisson (currently living in the Médoc). This cake & this cake - wow. Really it's mainly in the low-key French decorating (yes, that's a thing).


*I am writing. Just not here.

(photograph by Manger)

Friday, April 13, 2012

Faire la moue

I am trying decide how/when to return here. Meanwhile, I pout (faire le moue) which is exceedingly unattractive. I do update Giulia Geranium most days. You can also find me on Twitter (follow button to the right) & Pinterest. I have made more Facebook friends lately. So if you're a blogger or a regular commenter who would like to be in contact that way, definitely send me a message. If for some reason you've been put on a Pinterest wait list, send me a tweet or an email & I'll send you an invitation.

For your Friday/Saturday: I love Françoise Hardy's rendition of Fais moi une place but listen to it on YouTube only (for now). It's not available for downloads. Dumb. I think my regular blog friends will love it, too (although you probably know it already, you sophisticates). If you've never made a YouTube playlist, I encourage you to do it. You can keep it private (well, not from Google Overlords but from regular ppl:). It's fun to try out music you're not sure you want to buy. Honestly, YouTube has driven more of my music purchases via iTunes than anything else the last year.

I'll try to have something new up soon & leave comments open. Ta for now. I miss everyone very much.

(photograph by Jean-Marie Périer via La Lettre de Photographie)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Bunch of Daffodils

Life limps along. It's St. David's Day & I have neither leeks nor daffodils; a gap I hope to fill later this afternoon. If you're in a cheesy mood, a Welsh rarebit might be on your menu.

I had much more to say & energy to say it two years ago about a St. David's Day in southern Italy.


PS: I love this Robert Doisneau photograph; it's not easy to find in decent shape. It's available here in the States & in the UK. You can look through his portfolios by subject on his website.

Saturday, February 25, 2012


A little pick-me-up on a Saturday afternoon. It's George Harrison's birthday & so another mention of the Lost & Found guitar solo in Here Come's the Sun. It's been on Open Culture for at month but it's getting picked up a lot today. I eagerly await Martin Scorcese's George Harrison: Living in the Material World on DVD. HBO is soooooooo pokey about releasing their shows on DVD. (Grrr)

Here's a terrific rendition of the happy birthday song by Paul & his band (live in Moscow's Red Square). Enjoy!

(photograph via The Beatles - which is a fun website)

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Something Sweet

A quick hello & some links.

For Valentine's ideas (including humanitarian), especially homemade cards.

Samantha Hahn's free Valentines, so pretty.

A Paris street photography blog (archives)

Quick Dulce de Leche & one way to use it.

I've disabled comments for now because I'm too tired to engage much except a bit on Twitter. Pls consider joining me there. xo

(photograph by Linda McCartney)

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Roses in February

A slightly altered post from Giulia Geranium. Because that is the sort of year I'm having (so far). The David Austin Handbook of Roses 2012 arrived in the mail Monday. I really do place it on the night table for a flip-through. It also makes lovely gazing when in a bubble bath. Definitely order one here (it's free & beautifully photographed). Even if you don't have a garden, many of these roses do well in pots. And if you don't have a place for a pot, you might consider giving a rose as a gift. And if you're reading this in another country, you can probably order a catalogue, here.


(lovely photograph by Le Portillon)

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


My health is uppermost on my mind of late. All the time, actually. Three links I'm looking at today:

Heart-healthy Foods

Go Red for Women

Heart Healthy Women

(photograph by Beata Rydén - check out her Flickr sets, she's terrific)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A Free Internet

PROTECT IP / SOPA Breaks The Internet from Fight for the Future on Vimeo.

Hi everyone. A petit rant via Giulia Geranium

If you do not understand why certain sites are not available to you today, please watch the video. If you think you do understand what SOPA/PIPPA is & think, "but people should be paid for their content, it's a good idea," please watch the video. Every seemingly good idea is not implemented properly & it can cause wreckage. Please make your voice heard by following the links to the online protest. If you aren't in the States, believe me, this affects you just as much me. (Thank you to Swissmiss for the video link)


(image via Comically Vintage)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Cold War Games

I'm being spammed to within less than an inch of my patience. I am exceedingly patient (I've worked on it, believe me), so this is saying a lot. While I try to get many ducks in a row, a new photograph. This is how I feel (except I'm not as cheerful as Audrey). Back soon but I'm turning off comments. I hope all are well.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


I'm pushing primroses because I bought one for $1.67 + tax. (I tweeted the photo but it's not worth posting here.) You cannot beat that with a stick. It will make you feel better, I promise. For some other ideas, here's my "do not toss out all holiday decorations" exhortation on GG. I'm sitting here looking at fluffy pink poinsettia flowers in a ceramic mustard jar. A stylist would charge many monies for that, I am certain. Cost to me: $3.99 6 weeks ago for the local poinsettia & I don't know how much for the jar. But the mustard was excellent.

I'm always looking for inspiration so if you have any, please let me know. I'm enjoying the IKEA blog, btw. (You can translate it if you like.) The photograph is by Teresa at Meadowbrook Farm, another new-to-me blog I'm enjoying.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year

Hi peeps. Happy new year, fresh start, do over, whatever you want to call it. However. My tree is up until next week. I do not understand the fuss to "get it over with." There are people wildly shoving decorations into storage bins & boxes, crazed vacuuming, etc in order to have things "back to normal." (I'm quoting real people.)

Is everyone's average day so fabulous that they simply cannot stand 24 more hours of twinkly lights, lovely holiday food? If it's about to spontaneously combust, then by all means chuck out the tree. But for heaven's sake, leave some decorations up. Or make a winter wreath or put some holly in a jam jar. Or something.

The complaining portion of New Year's Day is now over (here, anyway:) Carry on!

(photograph by Sharon Montrose. Though I rarely make resolutions to buy things: I resolve in 2012 to finally have either a Sharon Montrose print or her new book)