Prepare to gag, personnes unfamiliar with Giulia Geranium. That's where I get my twee on. I keep hearing from others who are under-the-weather & beyond. this week. I share your pain; feel better, take good care. I like these photographs & there are some posts over at GG about Phillips Collection love. (For the uninitiated, it's a lovely little museum in DC; its influence is larger than its size. Sort of like The New Yorker's base subscription level. God, I'm a wonk. Shriek.) So the conceit is that I am GG's editor & complete servant. She wants to go to the Phillips & start a salon in the café. If I type more, I'll chicken out. So for those who were subjected to this yesterday, all apologies. (But really--what were you thinking falling for this nonsense, twice?)
Tuesday at the Phillips with GG
GG is having a righteous rumpus. Her feline heart is set on becoming a patroness of the arts, particularly at the Phillips Collection. The day may come when we'll have to rent the café & throw her a big party. The Phillips Collection was voted Washington's best museum AND art gallery by City Paper readers recently. Some young'uns--the hordes of mid-20s-30ish folks recently descended upon our city--think they discovered it. Au contraire, nos amis. (Though we're happy to have you on board.)
The Phillips was a hang-out for GG's editor when she was still an official teenager, recently returned from France. "Meet you under the Matisse" meant she could be found sitting on a lumpy bottle-green velvet sofa in the music room (under a Matisse). We'd love to see GG sleeping on that sofa; we miss it terribly--including the lumps. The jewel-box space has become too manicured for our taste; but like an old friend--you still love them, even with (too much) Botox.
Some favorite paintings at the Collection are by Bonnard. Above, The Palm & La Côte d'Azur, respectively. The museum goer (looking just like GG's editor) is by Nina Leen. She's trying to divine from an egg-shaped objet d'art, "What will the Easter Bunny bring GG?"
ciao-meow/GG's art curator & party planner
[Bonnard images via & Nina Leen photograph via LIFE archives]