Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Vachement! C'est vachement difficile! That wasn't considered swearing when I lived in France. I mean not really. Bad. Or anything. To capture my mood, this should literally be Bull! But this is a peaceful guy, overseeing the quiet brushes & supplies in the studio.

The Polaroid is by the very kind & generous Marta Vallejos Pastor of Spain. I was going to use it for a post on Crete & Picasso & what-have-you. Well, that's not happening anytime soon due to unforseen (aren't they always?) difficulties. Oof, as my friend Isa oofed on Friday, readying herself & family to visit (her family) in France for most of August. Agreed, I did, as we hid from various responsibilities for a quick iced coffee in a soul-less mall thingy. Then I realized I'd unintentionally dissed someone I knew long ago, a writer. Unintentional but still I should've done something about it. By now. It's complicated (isn't it always?). We also laughed amid-the-oofs, to be honest & non-dramatic about it.

By the way, Marta collaborates with another Spanish artist on a variety of projects. They also have an etsy shop, Pocket Memories. It is well worth the time to visit both her flickr sets & the shop.

[sueña que el trigo pueda pintar el cielo de otro color by Marta V./by permission of artist/all rights reserved]


Eleonora Baldwin said...

Ciao Giulia,
thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving your lovely comment.
I agree, "vachement" is such an omnifarious expression, it works for visrually everything.

Report back with results from the potluck!

Lola xx

Susan said...

Thanks Kat & Lola! I love Marta's photographs. And she's so nice & generous, too.

Susan said...

Thanks Kat & Lola! I love Marta's photographs. And she's so nice & generous, too.