Some of the best (& most surreal, disturbing, intriguing) walks were here. You want material? For writing, for thinking? It's here. Tramping up & down hills, through villages (where I should not have been), everywhere. My scanner is broken* (of course, it is)...& so just this evocative Streets of Jerusalem photograph by Julian Kaseler via we heart it] That's a little girl walking down an inexplicably (to me) empty street. But it happens, that bit of quiet there, yes, sometimes. I wonder where she is now. OK, that's enough from me because I just found a pix of Leonard Cohen in concert in Israel. Oh, too tempting, too tired. It'll be fun just to think of it. Have a peaceful weekend. And feel fortunate for it....(that goes for me, too, yes).[*Though most of my photographs were destroyed there, I have friends who have wonderful ones & I'm sure they'll lend them to me if I would just ask. So I will. Tomorrow, said Scarlett]Monday update: resting for today at least. Hope to be back tomorrow. I see many tempting posts just on this site...Cheers all.
What a beautiful photo. You seem to have traveled to many places... lots of adventures.
Did you see Cohen in concert in Jerusalem? H is one of my favourite poets. One of the lines of his songs is echoing in my head these days: Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in...
Yes, too many adventures really. I mean some not so good ones. But I do love that photo.
I WISH I had scene LC in concert there...nope. When I was looking at some Jerusalem pix, up came this guy's flickr account & he had a whole set. They aren't great, lots of weird color (though that can be its own kind of beauty)...but I will definitely use some.
LC is a great poet & I'm so glad that he has been able to get the stamina to tour. I assume you know that he lost almost all of his $, everything, to an unscrupulous agent or manager. Anyway, a terrible tragedy. He was unsure if he would be able to earn back enough to live on. That's how bad it was...the good news is that he's doing well (I have no special knowledge, I just mean by media reports.)
I love that poem, Anthen, too...I've had to learn to live by it, though I did not know it then. Here is a link, I hope you will like, if you don't have. It's a live version from London in 2009. I'll send it to you in email as well.
Synchronicity--I've been playing this & had to download again last night as my other computer crashed & I lost a lot of music.
Hi Susan
That's such a beautiful photo... and truly looks like a peaceful place in this view... too bad your photos were destroyed.. and too bad about the scanner.. how annoying... i'd be bereft without mine.. haha....
I have a follower that lives in Israel and posts her own pic often.. will have to give you the link.. think you will enjoy it...
Hope the weekend is treating you and Giulia well.. xxx Julie
I love every minute of your writing, and love to travel wherever you have been and move onto.
I especially love Julie and I think she gets more beautiful each day, like you...
Have a lovely Sunday!
xo, P
You are too nice, Penney. But I'll take it because you're so good-hearted...
I have never been to Jerusalem, but I have wanted to. The photo you shared is haunting.
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