Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Two Shakes of a Lamb's Tail

I hope that's how long (two shakes) I'm away. Bit under-the-weather. I do say that phrase now & again; I also call people (I like) 'lamb.' It annoyed one sister & when I stopped, she whined "Why don't you call me 'lamb' anymore?!" Oh wow. Whoever said it was easier to be the eldest? Perhaps no one did & I imagine it.

Anyway, please visit links on the right side-bar, especially Made4Aid. The Darfur project is still on, but for about a month (check with Sally in London) the auction proceeds will benefit Haiti. Well done, Sally & friends.

The Clever Pup has an interesting bit today about seismic plates & monitoring. Wouldn't you know that she consults this nearly every day? Of course, she does; that's why she's the cleverest of pups, don't you know. I'll add to this with other favorites later today or tonight. When I can, anyway.

Oh, yes, Tina at English Muse is packing for her trip to Paris. I think she leaves tomorrow. Very exciting.

I'll try to visit everyone soon.

[adorable Yorkshire lamb photograph by Karnaphuli via flickr]


Anonymous said...

Love your blog!

Agneta, Sweden

Tina Tarnoff said...

I find myself worrying about earthquakes more and more these days. Living in San Francisco and all. Terry was here during the 1989 one. It was actually bigger than the one in Haiti, but not as devastating, of course. When one is poor, one suffers so much more. We are in the midst of a huge storm, thunder and lightning (unusual for SF), flooding. The earth, the nature is changing. Or, reacting. It's scary. Little Mr. Lamb is cute. I'm glad I'm vegan. Saw Food, Inc. last night. We should all see this movie. Scary again! Take care.

Michelle | Bleeding Espresso said...

Ooooh that lamb is so cute! I love the lamb expressions too...reminds me of my grandmother, and I was just thinking today that I really need to keep saying those types of things so they don't just disappear and become "Old English" so to speak...glad you're on the same wavelength :)

Hope you feel better soon!

Mary-Laure said...

I'd like someone to call me Lamb. And that picture is beyond adorable; I ooooohed and aawwwwwed so much when I saw it that Benjy is jealous.

ceecee said...

I hope you're feeling better soon. The cold got up and high-tailed it out of here. I've just come from a long and rigourous walk in the sunshine. Tomorrow will be in the 70's. I wish I could send some of it to you. You're a lamb.


Susan said...

Hello all...now I can't remember what I wanted to say. Not feeling up to it but thanks for the comments. I'll be by when I can to visit.
