Dreading tonight's second holiday wrapping-for-donation gig. I used to be fairly good at it. Years of inability to give gifts have rendered me as four-thumbed as this child. Seriously, wrapping-under-pressure is stressful. The only thing more stressful? Two weeks ago there were very few customers in the large bookstore. Eep. Hope for better tonight. And no lectures from those who disapprove of Amnesty International. In a departure from my tight, slight, polite smile, I fear I might roar back causing said person to back-flip in manner of Peanuts characters. Off to brew calming ginger tea. Do visit Hazel at The Clever Pup who is back with amusing Christmas tidbits (original art, French video, handmade moose ornament, & much more).
It's also supposed to go colder & wetter this evening. But of course. Wish me luck.
[photographs by Nina Leen via LIFE archives]
PS Update: Amy Merrick on Design*Sponge has a funny post on lagging behind in holiday spirit & what she did about it. Hint: it involves a fishnet leg lamp & a Daisy Red Ryder BB gun.
Oh, I know exactly how he feels with the tongue sticking out. And whenever you need a bit of sticking tape you realize you forgot to cut it and all your hands are busy holding the paper together... Sabine x
Good luck with the wrapping...
It is going to be 40c here tomorrow... no White Christmas for me! Julie x
Oh, man. Since you guys commented we've had more than 20" of snow. Wow. Is all I can say. Pretty but worried about heating bill. (Always a price to be paid for beauty:)
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